IPWM offers a full portfolio management service, ensuring constant daily professional supervision of the delegated client's assets. IPWM defines an individual investment strategy for every client in accordance with a set of specific parameters provided by each of our clients, such as the client's financial profile, risk tolerance, income requirements, liquidity needs, reference currency and a time scale.

IPWM's investment specialists start then to manage our client's portfolio, identifying the best opportunities and the right allocation of the different asset classes. Regular statements of assets and performance reports as well as periodic reviews will serve to keep our clients fully informed and updated about the portfolio's development.

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© 2005 International Private Wealth Management, S.A.
58, avenue de Vaudagne  /  CH-1217, Genéve, Switzerland
Tel. +41 (0)22 782 58 84 - Fax +41 (0)22 782 58 85